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Corporate Media Ignores Ron Paul's Second Place In Louisiana

Congressman's silver in another state goes unreported

Steve Watson
Thursday, Jan 24, 2008

Presidential candidate Ron Paul has finished second in yet another state caucus this week yet there has barely been a murmur from the mainstream media once again.

The Louisiana Republican Party announced the preliminary results yesterday in a press release that was roundly ignored by the corporate media:

Delegate candidates endorsed by US Senator John McCain (R-AZ) appear to have won more state convention delegate positions than any other presidential slate at the Louisiana Caucuses.

Supporters of Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) appear to have captured the next highest number of delegate positions.

"I applaud the supporters of Congressman Paul for their enthusiasm and superior organizational ability," Chairman Roger F. Villere, Jr. said. "Our Party needs the infusion of new activists who have both political skill and a passion for protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us by the Constitution," he said. "I left the caucus with a renewed commitment to promote our core Republican principles of limited government and individual freedom, thanks to the zeal displayed by Congressman Paul's Louisiana supporters," Villere said.

Mitt Romney came in third, and no mention was made of Huckabee or Giuliani in the LAGOP's press release.

Despite a smattering of wire reports on McCain which mentioned Ron Paul's second place in passing and as ever described the Congressman as "longshot" or "outsider", the media has acted like the caucus never even happened.

The New York Times ran two main stories, one of Giuliani winning over Florida voters, another on Mitt Romney’s ill will.

CNN reported on McCain courting veterans, Giuliani banking on Florida and Thompson dropping out.

The Chicago Tribune ran the headline "McCain, Romney in close race for Florida".

Ron Paul has been placed higher than Giuliani in every single caucus and primary thus far, yet the media still blanks him in favor of reporting on Giuliani.

Despite the total lack of media coverage and the fact that all other candidates decided not to campaign in Louisiana, Ron Paul was there meeting and greeting residents on Monday, a testament to his commitment and drive to deliver his message to every American.

Paul's Louisiana success comes on the back of his second place finish in Nevada at the weekend, which was also completely ignored by the media.

The ever reliable Neocon mouthpiece Fox News put up a graphic showing the results from Nevada devoid of any information on Paul! They failed to mention the #2 candidate, although they covered #1, #3 and #4!

The New York Times “official results page” on its website failed to even list Ron Paul as a candidate on Sunday, though it has since replaced Fred Thompson with Paul after the former actor dropped out of the race Tuesday.

After two second place finishes and strong showings in New Hampshire and South Carolina, it is clear that Ron Paul is a significant player in the 2008 race, yet your so called free press seemingly does not want you to realize this fact.


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